All Atheletes will be placed according to their Little League Age for the appropriate division. Parent Requests for athletes to be placed in a higher or lower division must complete a play-up (or play-down) request form. All play-up or play-down requests athletes will try out in their designated divisions, and Player Agent /Evaluators will determine if a move is warranted. Requests are not guaranteed (ie: having an older sibling does not warrant automatic play up approval.) Our goal is to maintain competitiveness within each division and ensure that younger children are not prematurely advanced. (forms and Policy linked at bottom of Page)
Registration & Number of Teams. The Player Agent(s) and President shall coordinate registration for the season. The following divisions shall be made available for registration:
- Tee ball for ages 4-6 This is our traditional tee ball division in a coed environment. Prior to playing at the next level, kids need a year of tee ball to develop their skills. The experience is grounded in fun, fitness, and fundamentals while also being a key to growing a child’s love for the game.
- Farm for ages 6-8 The Farm division in Little League is an instructional division for young players to learn the fundamentals of baseball. The Farm division is a transitional level between Tee ball and Minors. It's designed to be fun and non-competitive, and to help players develop skills like teamwork and respect. The players hit off the spring-loaded pitching machine and begin to start making outs. While scores are not recorded in this division, teams are still able to participate in an end of the season tournament.
- Minors for 9-11 Players try out and get drafted to a team at this level. Minors is player pitch, and the games are real baseball games, with minimal coach interaction on the field. Players in this division generally have the ability to make throws across the infield. Players are exposed to pitching for the first time and batters are exposed to kids pitching for the first time. There are walks and strikeouts, pitch counts, steals, and everything else that players love about the game. Scores are recorded at this level and include a end of year tournament. Kids who play in Minors are eligible for post-season teams (All-Stars and Renegades if selected). The Minors level is generally open to Majors-age players who are still learning baseball fundamentals
- Majors for ages 10-12 Majors’ baseball is the most competitive Little League division. This division is the best competition kids will face in Little League. Pitching and hitting are very developed in this division as is fielding. Kids in Majors are eligible for post-season teams. Tournament Team (or “All Stars”) from this division may enter the Little League International Tournament at the end of the season. This culmination of this tournament is the Little League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the world. (All-Stars and Hooligans).
- Juniors for ages 13-14 Juniors is for the kids who are ready for traditional size field with 90ft base paths and 60ft mounds. Leading off, dropped third strikes, and every other baseball rule is in effect in our Juniors Division. This Division is meant to give kids another option after Little League and prior to high school. Kids in Juniors are eligible for post-season teams (All-Stars).
- Seniors for ages 14-16 Seniors is for the kids who are ready for traditional size field with 90ft base paths and 60ft mounds. Leading off, dropped third strikes, and every other baseball rule is in effect in our Seniors Division. This Division is meant to give kids another option after Little League and prior to high school. Kids in Seniors are eligible for post-season teams (All-Stars).
With President, Player Agent(s), and Team Managers approval any player may play up or down one division, with the exception of players league ages 4, 5, and 12 who must play at the tee ball and majors divisions respectively. All players of league age 4 and 5 must play a single season of tee ball prior to progressing onward, except in the event that; any tee ball manager may request a safety review to move a player onward without a complete season.
vpll play up down policy.pdf
vpll play up request.pdf
vpll play down request.pdf